

Start Here

在选择课程之前, 请花点时间足球外围盘官方网站以下问题,并与您的老师一起选择最适合您学生的课程:

  • What will your learning day/week look like?
  • Who will be providing the instruction to the student?
  • Do you need a daily lesson plan and a weekly pacing guide?
  • Does the student want online or paper?
  • Does你的学生在现场课上做得更好,还是你的学生在自定节奏的课上做得更好?
  • What type of learner is your student? 动觉的、听觉的或视觉的?
  • Which你的学生是否需要更多的帮助,并能从教师主导的教学中受益?


下面的课程选择是按顺序列出的,从最结构化的选项需要最少的计划和记录,到最需要教师足球外围盘官方网站的选项需要最多的记录, 文档, and communication with your teacher.

您可以通过查看我们推荐的课程列表来了解更多关于每个课程的信息 HERE. If you have additional questions, feel free to come to the K-6课程办公时间 or email curriculum@centralvcs.org.

Pathway 1


这一类的课程是 our highest level of supported curriculum. These classes are fully teacher-led and standards-aligned. 老师为学生提供直接指导(直播或录像), 布置作业, 完成评分. The 父/学习教练 makes sure that the students attend class, 完成分配的工作, and assists students in submitting assignments by their due dates.


100% Pre-selected and planned out day by day

Teacher Led

YES - Live classes, video lessons, and assignments


Ensures student attends and completes/submits work, and helps if needed

父/学习教练 Record Keeping

Minimal - Stay involved and aware

Pathway 2


这一类的课程是 standards-aligned with the direct instruction being given by the 父/学习教练. 家长/学习教练负责为学生提供课程指导和关于学生作业表现的反馈,而独立学习教师则通过帮助学生制定节奏指南来提供足球外围盘官方网站. 独立学习教师将使用进度指南来分配每个学习期的工作. 布置的作业将是独立学习教师在每个学习阶段审查的工作主体. 家长/学习教练负责为学生提供课程指导,并就学生的作业表现提供反馈.


Paced out with a daily plan that is followed and completed weekly

Teacher Led

NO - Teacher assigns work and reviews it during each Learning Period



父/学习教练 Record Keeping


Pathway 3


此类别的课程 可能不完全符合国家标准,需要高水平的教师足球外围盘官方网站 找出缺失的标准. Your Independent Study Teacher will help pace out the curriculum, assign the work each Learning Period, 并将补充材料纳入学习计划,以满足年级水平的标准. 家长/学习教练负责为学生提供课程指导,并就学生的作业表现提供反馈. 布置的作业将是独立学习教师在每个学习期间审查的工作主体.


Paced out with a daily plan that is followed and completed weekly

Teacher Led

NO - The teacher will assign the work and review it during each Learning Period. The teacher will also add supplemental assignments as needed.



父/学习教练 Record Keeping


Pathway 4


虽然这仍然是一个可行的选择, this curricular path is rarely chosen 由于家长/学习教练和自主学习老师所要求的计划和记录的缺乏结构和水平,我们的家庭被忽视了. This path requires the most daily and monthly planning time. A monthly plan will need to be created in advance, 保存每日日志/记录, and more evidence of work submitted at the end of each Learning Period (LP).

选择这种学习方式意味着选择通过各种方式学习年级水平标准,而不是学习特定的课程. 这一类所列的课程不是综合课程,主要被认为是补充或充实. 而这些补充和学习活动可以纳入学生的个性化学习计划, 他们确实需要独立学习老师和家长/学习教练的大量监督,以确保达到年级水平的标准. If you choose to work on individual standards as your child’s curriculum plan, 你将与独立学习老师一起制定每个学习期的学习计划,以确定用于满足指定标准的学习活动.

To best support families who select this path, 自主学习老师会分配一套标准来完成使用我们学校 Ed Plans for each LP. 然后,独立学习教师将与家长/学习教练一起计划在LP期间完成的学习活动. 这些活动可能包括本文件中的一些补充学习材料或丰富活动, but are not subject to only those listed below. 然后,家长/学习教练将通过完成指定的学习活动并上交完成的作业来足球外围盘官方网站学生掌握标准, 活动日志, and evidence of learning to the Independent Study Teacher for each Learning Period.

如果家长愿意的话, 他们可以制定一个计划,在每次学习会议之前与独立学习老师一起复习. 虽然不是必需的, 对于选择这种独特而罕见的学习途径的家庭,建议使用模板来创建自己的计划,并与独立学习老师进行复习. The use of a template such as this one HERE 可能会有帮助. 然后,自主学习教师将与家长/学习教练合作,通过分配与学习活动一起完成的标准,为学生巩固学习计划, assignments, and experiences the parent has chosen to support completion of those standards. Here is a folder that has some additional learning plan templates that might be useful: Learning Period Planning Templates.



Teacher Led

否-教师将审查每月的学习计划,以确保适当的标准和学习活动 & 在学习期间计划作业,并根据需要添加补充作业



父/学习教练 Record Keeping

Tracks lesson completion according to the monthly plan and provides assignments, pictures, 和其他证据,在每次学习期会议上作为工作样本提交给教师



We want to ensure you and your student have everything you need to succeed. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.

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